National Disability Insurance Scheme Services
We offer a diverse range of support programs for people with disabilities and their families.
We offer one on one supports to people with a disability to achieve your individual goals.
The goals might be anything from support at home, to support shopping or attending appointments, to activities in the community such as horse-riding, music lessons, accessing local transport or spending a day in Canberra.
Our Group Home provides 24/7
support for adults with disabilities who share a house together.
The levels of support we provide are based on each individual's needs.
We promote and encourage opportunities for everyone living in the group home to be part of the of the local community.
Our group activities help you connect with each other and build friendships within the community.
Our group framework is aimed at participants with minimal support requirements.
Choices of activities will be decided by the group and will run on different days visiting selected locations.
Examples of our group activities include swimming, fishing, arts and crafts, music or visiting the local gym.
Costs associated with our group activities will be the responsibility of the participant.